VSK FOUNDATION is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit, grant-giving public charity organization based in USA. All board members of this organization are volunteers, not drawing any salary from the organization, so that 100% of all donations received are applied to the actual causes, and not used for any administrative or other overhead.

Your tax-deductible donation today can help shape the future of women, families and communities. One village, one school, one girl at a time. You can help make a difference in someone’s life by taking action now. 100% of your donation will go to “It Starts With A Girl Initiative”.


Choose Your Donation Amount

It takes $200 to educate a girl for an entire year.

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To Donate by Check:

Please make check payable to:

VSK Foundation
153 Sussex Avenue
Newark New Jersey 07103

Contact Phone: 646-244-0580

[email protected]

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